More than one billion users have fun sharing photos and videos on Instagram. here are 4 reasons wy teenagers love it!!!

You can crate a cool self-image:
32% of teenagers in the USA say that Instagram is their favourite social network. Why? Well, because Instagram is one of the best places (with rival Snapchat) to share your photos and videos! But Instagram does mort than that. It lets you project the image you choose to project, witch might not bo 100% reality. So you can be the cool person you'd like to be!

Today, people take photos with smartphones more than with cameras: 10% of all photos ever taken were snapped in the last twelve months! Instagram tools encourage you to be creative. For example, it has more than 30 filters, wich enhace the contrast and lightining of your photos. Instagram makes it easy for you to create spectacular photos in just a few clicks!
